“As we all age sometimes we don’t always take good advice and put it to use. This author brings it all into perspective and gives that “nudge” we all need to a well rounded life. Excellent read, highly recommend. Lots of info packed in this book!”

“I was surprised by how much this book covered. All the things we
maybe neglected and now are paying the consequences for. But guess what?
We don’t have to be victims this book will give you a starting point
to make changes in your physical, mental and financial health. I know
“I am taking control”, starting today.”

“Being at that age where I dare say I am considered a baby boomer there are many things to consider like health and of course financial security. This book is well laid out and provides insight into health, both physically and financially. I picked up some very good information from this book. Well written and a good read!”

Take control now and be as fit, active and carefree as you want while thoroughly enjoying the best time of your life on your own terms. Baby Boomers have always been game changers and as we prepare for our golden years its time to blow away the old conventions of what used to be considered ‘retirement.’ 
Was it so long ago that we were in our teens? In college? Yes, it really has been over forty years and, hey, guess what; ‘the man’ is still lying to us. The trouble is, with the uncertainty so many boomers are feeling about what the future is going to hold, many of our peers are preparing to listen to him. Ten thousand of us are turning 65 every day in America for the next twenty years; it’s a marketers dream and if you’re not on your guard you’re going to be sucked in to the mass hysteria. It has never been more imperative for baby boomers to take control of their own health and wealth now to ensure the next thirty to forty years or more truly are the best. 
The great news is that you can easily get to your ideal weight without some crazy diet and you don’t need millions of dollars socked away to live the life you want. The boomer generation has always rejected the established ways of doing things and if you’ve found yourself scratching your head about what is considered conventional wisdom, you’re already on the right track. Baby boomer retirement is going to be different, but it is going to be up to us as individuals to make it happen. This book explains:

A simple way to figure out how much you need to live on and how to ensure you will always have it!
How to maintain your ideal weight and fitness without the burden of a diet!
In a nutshell, how to take control of your life!