The Pirates You Thought You Knew

The Pirates You Thought You Knew delves into the actual lives and motivations of the most famous golden age pirates based on historical research rather than conventional wisdom about them.

Pirate stories have always intrigued people, but stories you have heard so much about do not always coincide with the historical facts. Even in the early 18th century, while the pirates were still active throughout the Caribbean, tall tales were being told about them.  

This section examines the historical lives of the well known golden age pirates, separating fact from 300 years of embellishment of stories that were not quite accurate in the first place, and presenting them as accurately as research permits.

The Golden Age of Piracy

Privateers who were loyal to England during the reign of Queen Anne established themselves in the Bahamas during the reign of King George I, ushering in the golden age of piracy.   Learn what caused these men to become pirates, the events that made it possible, and why it was so important to the British government that they were viewed by the public as dangerous criminals.

Real Pirate Stories

Here are the actual exploits of Blackbeard, Henry Jennings, Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, and the other golden age pirates as they have been uncovered from historical research.  While they may differ significantly from popular stories and what one may currently “know” about these pirates, these facts are nevertheless quite fascinating. This part of the pirate project turns each of their stories into a novel.